Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile, single-use needles in specific areas of the jing luo or meridians. It can also be described as a channel through which energy travels. Today, it is used to address various health concerns, manage discomfort, and promote general well-being. Clinical trials have been conducted for acupuncture and the result has improved conditions for patients suffering chronic pain.
Moxibustion, or moxa, is a form of heat therapy using a dried and aged herb called Artemisia mugwort. It can be used indirectly, on acupuncture needles, or through direct burning of the skin. Moxibustion has the benefits of:
Stimulating the flow of qi/energy and blood circulation
Alleviating cold and damp symptoms
Reducing pain aggravated by cold temperatures such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, stomach ache etc.
Reducing excessive bleeding, e.g. menorrhagia, uterine bleeding
Breech pregnancy

In 2003, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) published an official report of controlled trials with conditions that were effectively addressed by acupuncture. Below is a list of some of the conditions and diseases from the report:
What should I expect during an acupuncture treatment?
For acupuncture, the sensation is a subtle dull ache at the point of insertion. Occasionally you may feel a slight numbing or momentary static-like sensation running along the meridian. This is due to the activation of energy flow in the body and nervous system. Pain from acupuncture is tolerable, while pain upon needling a nerve causes severe and lasting pain for days. All practitioners have been well-trained to avoid this. If an acupuncture point is still sore after treatment, please let the practitioner know. It can be dealt with immediately so you won't go home feeling discomfort.
For moxibustion, you will feel a gentle but warm sensation when moxa is applied. Let the practitioner know if it is getting too hot to avoid burns, otherwise, it is generally safe and blister-free.